Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Remember, Remember, The 6th of November

Soo ... what's important about this day? Well, it's National Nachos Day ... for one. It's fitting, it seems. Because, guess who's vote counted, America? Nachos. Only joking ... Don't start a political rant on this page. It's also National Constitution Day, ironically enough.

I'm thankful today for a heavenly Father that knows EXACTLY what He is doing. I'm thankful for the friends of mine that have fought tooth and nail for my right to vote. I'm thankful to the men and their families who perished recently overseas, for putting this country first even when it didn't put their safety first. I feel somewhat thankful for the Mayans and their predictions. Joke. I'm mostly thankful for my religious and therefor political convictions. I'm thankful that both my religion and relationship with my savior  teach me to humble myself to the plan of God. There are so many things on my heart tonight, namely the future of my country. To my friends and family struggling to find work but making too much money to get public assistance, please know that my prayers are with you, and my vote was for you and for myself and for the future of our children.

There is much in this world that is beyond our understanding. There is a future that we are unsure of. But just how beautiful it is that we may rest in the fact that the Lord's love endures forever and his mercy covers all things and his knowledge and plan are to PROSPER us and not HARM us. His will has been done. Our job now is to heed His word and His direction to ensure that this nation is one of prosperity and strength and that it holds fast to all of the foundations on which it was built.

"Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. "
Psalms 146:3
God is SOVEREIGN. Let us not forget that. 


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