Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 2 of Thanks: The Middy's

A second day of thanks:

Absolutely forever thankful for an amazing place to work. Today (which I'm pretending is Friday November 2nd because I'm a day late on my blog ... woopsie) was the anniversary of one whole amazing year of business for Midtown AT&T! Our store environment really does feel like a family and it's a wonderful place to go everyday. I work for a great team of managers who make every effort they can to make sure that we succeed and have a great time doing it. At our birthday party, yes there was cake ... and donuts ... and pizza ... and soda, our managers had put together an award ceremony for us called the "Middy's" (for Midtown.) Similar to the Espy's, the Oscar's, and the Emmy's, these awards were based on movies! To adequately describe this award ceremony I need to first describe the way our store works. We work in a commission based environment and as such we have metrics that we have to meet every month. These metrics include Accessories, Features, Willing to Recommend, Wired, and so on. Our managers assigned each metric to a movie and gave out awards with the movies! The categories are as follows (I have to mention this because I was WAY proud of their creativity):

Feature Recurring Revenue: Groundhog Day
Wired: The Cable Guy
Accessories: Clueless
Willing to Recommend: The Care Bear Movie (I won this one! WOOT!)
and so on ... 

I guess the point of all this rambling is just to accurately paint a picture of just how much I enjoy my job. I never dread going to work & I never ever get tired of the people that I work with. I feel as though God put me at this store for a reason and I am so thankful. I've been with the company for nearly five years and I have been so blessed to have met each and every person that I have, and I am better for having met them. Thank you to everybody that I've worked with over the past five years for making my work experience so great! You guys are truly a blessing. 

This is the award I won!


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