Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 8: Bonnie & Clyde's

Today I am so Thankful for a bar that once resided in Tuscaloosa by the name of Bonnie & Clyde's, without who's existence I might never have come about. My parents met at this place, randomly. I have thought so many times throughout my 25 years, "what if my parents had never met?" There's really no other way that they would've met. So the randomness of this place is sort of beautiful.

On to my next thankful point of the day. I am SO thankful and blessed to have the dad that I have. Let me tell you, if there had been a medal ceremony for "dad of the year" my dad's neck would be broken by now from all those gold medals. I'm a sap. Whatever. He deserves it.

That man would do ANYTHING for his children. As I was growing up I would go and visit my dad every other weekend. He would drive from Birmingham to get me in Tuscaloosa and then we would make the 3 & 1/2 trek from Tuscaloosa to Valley, Alabama. During those 3 1/2 hour car rides I learned a heck of a lot about life, and unfortunately Paul Finebaum (ugth.) My dad always spoke to me like an adult and it's shaped the way that I've conducted my life. We had all sorts of meaningful chats on those rides back and forth across this beautiful state. Talks about football, about school, about how reputation isn't something you can gain back once it's lost, about how high school is only four years of your life that nobody will ever remember, about how important it was for me to NOT be a quitter, and about how big God is. I can remember the first time my dad told me that God was so big and powerful that He could move mountains if He wanted to. My mind was blown. I think it was in that moment that my soul was humbled to His majesty and filled with an overwhelming sense peace that He loves ME. I can remember listening to TONS of talk radio, which is why I think I'm a talk show radio junkie now. He never hesitated to give me tough love, but he didn't have to often. I always knew what was expected of me because he made it VERY clear. That's another reason I think he's a great parent. My sisters and I know what he expects and we know he only wants the best for us.

While I was in high school I was on the dance line. My dad would come over and watch me dance EVERY weekend, even if it wasn't his weekend. He made the four hour drive to Tuscaloosa to see me dance for 12 minutes, get the chance to talk to me for about 45 minutes while we ate dinner together, and then he would make that that four hour drive home. Now, let me tell you, if that's not a good dad ... I don't know what is.

He has ALWAYS had such an impact on me and on the way I live my life. I don't know that I've ever voiced just how much I love and appreciate him, but I have certainly thought about it A LOT.

Thank you, Daddy, for being the type of dad that the Lord would have you to be. You answered that call above and beyond and there aren't enough words to tell you just how much you mean to me. I don't get to spend as much time with you as I think both of us would like, but I want you to know that I sure do love you and I miss you every day! You are a good man, a good dad, and a most importantly a good person. I love you and I'm thankful that God made me your daughter. 


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