Sunday, November 30, 2014

#30DaysOfThanks Days 24 - 31 .... And 12-19-2014 #PROTESTS.

 This always happens. The week of Thanksgiving descends upon my unprepared self and my blog entries slip out from under me like a rug without a pad and I wind up staring at the ceiling thinking, "How in the world do I sum all THAT up?" But oh my goodness, Y'ALL. This past week. Ridiculous.

There wasn't a single day this week that I didn't get a chance to spend time with someone who means so much to my heart. The week was full of family and friends and love and joy and laughter. Spirits of friends past, present, and exciting future were in abundance and I can seriously only thank the Lord. He knew what my heart needed and He provided like a flood in the desert. The social stagnancy that had been plaguing my heart was remedied in the best way. The word "Thanksgiving" truly doesn't even come close to the emotions flowing from all the hidden places of my heart.

Besides all the lovely things that have happened to me, this vast world we live in has been experiencing an immense amount of turmoil and social divide this week and I would like to address it.
            First of all, to the Brown family: my deepest condolences for a loss that has torn your hearts out. May peace be given to you and yours. Unless someone has been in your position, they will never understand and I am so sorry that this will seem like a hurt people try to pretend like they relate to. Although the efforts of so many have come to you in numbers that I could never even imagine trying to count, you will still feel alone in your suffering. And my sentiments go out to you and others in the world who will suffer these hurts and cry so many tears. I pray your heart rests in the hands of the almighty and that He provides your soul with a peace and shield of safety that no soul could ever understand. Know that my heart and my prayers are with you.
           Second of all, to the Wilson family: you never asked for mass chaos and never in your wildest dreams have you imagined this sort of upheaval would be a direct result of actions taken by one of your own. Your safety and your hearts are in my prayers tonight as I pen this letter. I cannot imagine your position. This could have happened to anyone, but it happened to you and I pray for peaceful thoughts and a shield to inhabit the area around your family as the angry people who rise up against you and threaten your family attempt to unleash beasts you've never imagined in your wildest dreams.

There, those deserved to be addressed first if I am to share any sort of opinion on the matter. The truth is this:unless some hidden camera from some hidden media present when the encounter took place, we will truly never know how everything took place, and that is a matter that stands alone in this entire endeavor. What we do know is that a life was lost and that is something that should never be diminished because of a "rap sheet." I am pouring into this entry from a heart that is in love with a Lord that erases fault and lifts high even those who have been in the lowest trenches. No amount of colorful back story is ever too much for Him. So stop with the "thug" talk. You're not doing any favors. What we need to realize is that there is a family that is hurting because they lost a heart that was dear to their own. And whether or not you want to subscribe to the same spiritual values that I hold dear, I would hope that you believe in absolute change being a possible thing and that you hold on to the hope that even the most absurd situations have the ability to turn around. I'm not arguing that the outcome was deserved or not based on what happened that day, what I am pleading for is for the masses of people who are using the word "thug" to justify death to stop. The more you perpetuate that hate (because that's exactly what it is,) the more you demoralize the people in this world who have an immense amount of potential. Wouldn't you hate being the reason someone didn't turn their life around? Your words and your ideals are powerful, understand that and move forward with graceful hearts that speak life into the hearts of those who may be in a rough place in life. It could be that all they need is for your encouraging sincerity to be genuinely spoken into their life. Make the choice that will resonate with positivity and hope.

As for the peaceful protesters, let them speak what is on their minds if they chose to do so in a manner that isn't harmful to others. Why? Well, why not? Maybe you don't agree with their protests, but maybe there's more to what they feel needs to be heard than just what happened to Michael Brown. The truth is, there really is a social divide and to speak for myself ... I would never understand some of the struggles that happen in certain societal arenas. Whether it be a community of a Hispanic majority or an Asian majority or an African American majority, there are things my heart has never experienced and therefor can't adequately relate to. But because of the beauty of America and the freedom it offers, I am free to demonstrate about the things dear to my heart in an effort to bring the attention of the masses to an issue that they may not see in their little corner of the world. The reality is that if it isn't your struggle, it's difficult to grasp it's impact and understand the depth of it's power. There's more that is being protested than the death of a citizen, and just because you don't understand doesn't mean you should extend your thoughts of disapproval. And FOR THE LORD'S SAKE, let the "Hey, while you're busy protesting, I'm paying your bills. How about you go get a job" talk stop RIGHT NOW. How pompous. You don't know the first thing about these people and their job situations and that blanket statement is more harmful than you will ever imagine. But I guess that's the nature of this beast, right? Because when you decide you've been dealt a hand that isn't fair and decide to stand up and fight it with your own peaceful protests, you will do it with the knowledge that opposition awaits. And you will forge on, regardless.

Now to the violent rioters who have done nothing but perpetuate an ideal that "thugs will be thugs" or "criminals will be criminals," I know that your heart has felt hurt before and I cannot seem to wrap my brain around the notion that you would want the rest of the world to feel pain even though they are innocent bystanders and have erected a business or a home or a church or parked their car in a zip code that you just so happen to be ready to destroy. My heart hurts so badly for these people who have been the victim of this violence. I would never wish for the same hurt to descend upon you and your family, but I do hope that at some point you are put nose to nose with the pain you have inflicted on your victim. Maybe you have been the victim of heartless police violence or indifference, and believe me I know it happens, but I beg you to please consider how much different the outcome would be if you simply chose to stand between violence and it's victim rather than further tighten the shackles that violence so unapologetically places on it's victims. You have the power to instate change. Will you use it for good? I pray you do.

Racial divides have been so furthered by this situation and it BREAKS my heart. Because here's some truth for you: I DO NOT CARE WHAT THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN IS OR THE COLOR OF YOUR BACKGROUND, IF THERE IS AIR COMING IN AND OUT OF YOUR NOSE, YOU HAVE AS MUCH POTENTIAL AS THE NEXT PERSON TO GO OUT INTO THIS WORLD AND DO AMAZING THINGS. I am SO on a soapbox about this. Please know that the environment into which you entered this world is not the lot you have to stay in forever. Please, for your future's sake, don't buy into the victim mentality. You may be a soul born into a situation that is less than desirable, but I believe that you are only a victim of your situation if you label yourself as such. You might feel like you are being pushed back at every turn and for no other reason than the color of your skin or the length of your rap sheet, but I urge you to press on with all the power in your soul to be the positive change you want to see in this world. I believe with all my might that you are a child of the King and that He gifted you with specific "you" gifts that no one but you can use. I pray you find the strength to execute them in the face of all adversity and I pray you know that the power of the Almighty is with you. And understand that I know some of your reading this aren't believers in the same Christ that I adore and there will never come a time that I will force my beliefs down someones throat, but that doesn't change my prayer.

As I sat in worship this morning at Passion City Church, surrounded by individuals of five different ethnicities, I thought to myself, "This. This is what heaven will look like. All the people are God's people." Guys, it's time. It's time to stop letting the enemy in opposition of progress halt the wonders of what can be accomplished simply by placing blinders on us and making us think that we could never live in peace together.

My hope is that you heard nothing but grace come flowing forth from my heart as you read this, and that the entirety of this message lacked judgement. I hope it compels you to be mindful and instead of spewing hurtful opinions, you instead make a choice to put good things into the world. And I hope that when the time comes for you to take action, I hope you step forward in the direction of grace.


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