Monday, November 17, 2014

#30DaysOfThanks Days 16 & 17 : Reminders & Blessings

Writing is such a release for me. It helps me to prioritize my thoughts and work through the yuck and the lovely things that happen. Days like yesterday make it easy to get bogged down with the laziness and the loneliness of living in a town near not many of my friends. I was sick and puny and didn't feel like doing anything and all my friends were out galavanting with their loved ones and I was jealous. I sometimes feel like I live in a far away land and people only will know what is going on in my life if they read about it on my blog. Not because people don't reach out, but just because life things happen and distract us all from each other. But the beautiful thing about this life is that it's filled with people who accept the responsibility and opportunity of handling our yuck days by blessing our hearts with reminders. Reminders of how far you've come. Reminders of where your future is headed. Reminders of the things you've written in the past that are so applicable to exactly where you are in life at that very moment. The past two days have been so full of people coming from out of the woodworks to build me up and remind me of each specific movement that God has made in my life to bring me from where I was. So today I'm thankful for every one of you that reached out to touch my spirit with your love. Notice when God sends you messengers and be thankful for their perspective on your life. Accept your angels and don't close your heart to the things they have to tell you. <3


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