Sunday, November 9, 2014

#30DaysOfThanks Day 9: Family Portraits and Dad's that Grill

I'll make today's short and sweet since my day has been full of driving and spending time with family and taking pictures and eating and getting nails done. #busy

I was stressed. I didn't have time today to be driving across state lines to do things but I'm so glad that I did. Today was spent with the most lovely family in the most lovely field in what seemed like a far off land. But it wasn't. It was right in the middle of Senoia, Georgia where every movie on earth is filmed it seems. I was self conscious. I hid behind people because I don't like cameras unless I'm operating them. But we had a grand ol' time and I wouldn't change any of it.

And then we ate. I ate a steak as big as me becuase I had forgotten to eat lunch and my dad is the best grill master aside from my Papa and step dad that the world has ever seen. It doesn't hurt that he has a Big Green Egg that he uses to grill on, but he still knows how to grill juuuuuust right. I was blessed with lovely food tonight with my people whom I've missed in a big way.

I could've been extra stressed about the drive over and back and the late night that I will most certainly have to prepare for all my meetings tomorrow, but the Lord allowed me a perspective I wouldn't have had without His guidance. And it certainly was the MOST beautiful day .


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