Wednesday, November 5, 2014

#30DaysOfThanks Day 5: Unintentional Detours, dirt roads and four wheeldrive.

I had a real opportunity to get highly perturbed this morning. Roada (my GPS) and I were navigating to a particular pharmacy that I needed to call on with my job. She took me CLEAR to the middle of nowhere in Chelsea, Alabama. As soon as I turned into a neighborhood per her instructions, I thought to myself, "Oh dear God, no. Don't TELL ME I drove all this way for this and waisted all this time." And instantly, almost like God thought it for me, a sensation came over my spirit that said, "Maybe there's something God wants to show you." HONEY I WAS NOT PREPARED.

Roada says to me, "In 1/4 mile you will need to get out of your car and walk to your destination." ... In the middle of a culdasac ... In a great neighborhood ... With no apparent roads other than those I was driving on. I'm sorry, what? But I parked my car in a culdasac and walked around the corner and there, in the most perfectly manicured field surrounded by leaves of every color on the trees around it, stood the most magnificent horse and gorgeous barn that I had ever seen. (So beautiful, in fact, that I've already commissioned someone to build it in my future yard. But I told them I could only pay them in baked goods. There are good people surrounding me in this life.) 

But it all stood there, in all it's significant glory, and I couldn't help but think to myself what an amazing message that was. Just as that strong stallion stood there, unmoved and not at all alarmed by my presence, with his mane blowing in the wind and surrounded by signs of the changing seasons ... So too does the Lord. He's not at all alarmed by the things that change in our life. His position on things is unchanging and He makes His presence known by his steadiness and His strength. 

And that BARN. OHHHH, honey that barn. Fantasmic. I have to make up words for how amazing that bad boy was. But that horse stood there as to say, "Welcome! Isn't it pretty? I made it just for you." More amazing than we can imagine, more surreal than our eyes could handle. That's what Heaven will be like. (And apparently Laura Beth Cooper will be sitting at the feasting table eating a Chick-fil-a sandwich. Gotta love that girl.) 

I tried snapping a picture of it all but I could only get this much. 

And then as I was talking to someone today regarding faith and humanity and the human condition, a friend said to me, "It's like driving a four wheeler down a dirt road. It's going to happen ... You're going to veer off track ... But you must keep you gaze on the road and always try to get right back on track." I LOVED that. See guys, the thing is ... We are human. And I won't make that an argument because I don't want people to have an "out" to make purposeful mistakes, but I do want people to understand that your past and your future will never change your value to God. But your value to God should change how you operate your life. And if you feel called to missions, start right where you are. Let people know first of all that they matter to you. They will have no reason to imagine that their maker gives a rip about them if they don't think you care about them. 

I love days like these. So full of accidental lovelies. You have to make a point to stop and smell the roses. And I challenge you to stop yourself before your frustration ensues and remind yourself to pay attention, because God could be trying to show you something masterful He has made just for you. 

He's big. He's real. He's holy. He's love.  And more than anything, He's personal and He wants you to embrace Him personally. 

I have a friend Terri who tells me all the time that I'm the most joyful person she's ever met. I have to credit it all to the maker of Joy. He's capable. I am only capable of what I trust Him with. Trust Him today, friends. ❤️❤️


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