Saturday, November 15, 2014

#30DaysOfThanks Day 15: Chasing Daylight

I was driving home this evening after some errands and noticed that I seemed to be racing against the clock or "holding back the darkness." I thought about it and realized that oftentimes in life we do the same thing with projects or deadlines. Life can get so busy and hectic for me and I'm 27 and single. I can't imagine what you lovelies with babies go through, but I'm certain that you feel this way more often than I do just with the sheer amount of stuff going on in your life. Many times as we fight to keep our heads above water or beat the clock, we can feel overwhelmed and not good enough. And sometimes, despite our valient efforts to win the battle, the sun sets on our troops. But tonight as I rode into the beautiful sunset, I realized that tomorrow is always another day. And if tomorrow doesn't come, then our efforts don't really matter because our kingdom will be near. Rest tonight in the knowledge that you are good enough. Dedicate your efforts to Him and allow Him to direct your steps. The one who invented priorities is pretty good at directing them for us when we ask.


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