Wednesday, November 19, 2014

#30DaysOfThanks Day 19:Productivity & Emplementing Strategy

Today's entry will be short in an effort to prepare for things coming my way. But I want to take some time tonight to rant about the importance of doing what you say you're going to do. If you come up with an idea that you think will work wonderfully in moving your life forward, implement it. Stick with it for a bit of time, analyze to see what sort of productivity comes as a result of your actions, and regroup and reload to go forward.

I have seven business partners and it is VITAL that we have a very high level of comunication. For weeks we have toiled over exactly which way will be best for us to communicate and continue moving bsuiness forward. We have come to an agreement and are now working as a well oiled team and looking so forward to the future.

Let me guess, you sometimes think of wonderful ideas and struggle with sticking to them. I get it. It's human. Since I began my career in pharmaceutical sales, the significance of consistancy has revealed itself to me in a very real way. It builds credibility and trust with clients and it instills a serious confidence in your ability to be disciplined ... and discipline is it's own subject.

While being free spirited and "flying by the seat of your pants" both have their place in the world, discipline is what really helps to move life forward in a positive direction. Because the way I see it, there are two ways to do things. Let's say we are given a starting point and an end point. Waiting at the end point is a pot of gold and you can either put one foot in front of the other and run as fast as you can and get to the pot of gold before the competition, or you can run in circles with no goal in mind and just get there when you get there ... if you get there. While you might enjoy the view if you're running in circles, your competition will be enjoying their earnings. Don't let anyone take from you what is rightfully yours. 

Set a goal. Make a plan. Stick to it. Move forward. Just do it. And watch how quickly your results come.


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