Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Home away from home ... Away from HOME.

This Christmas is so full of travel now that I don't live in Tuscaloosa. So last night after my workout I decided to go hang out at the foot of this majestic beauty of a thing. This place has become my home away from home ... Away from HOME. 

As I sat at the foot of the cross in worship, I reflected on the last six months pretty reverently. As I sifted through the blur of memories, I began to realize how my search was so similar to the study that I just completed with the ladies' bible study. 

You know when I came to Birmingham I was originally searching for a church, but I was searching for PEOPLE and not THE LORD. For a while I was sort of ashamed of that once I realized it. As the lovely group a ladies and I completed the Interrupted bible study this fall, I realized that God wasn't at all ashamed of me for looking for people in my search, He knew my heart was in the right place. Through these beautiful ladies and this awesome group of world changers, I've grown closer to the maker than I ever had been in the past. 

He knows we are a relational being. He created us to be. But what is so important about this story is that in that search, God not only introduced me to people ... He introduced me to the exact people I needed in my life to help me to grow my faith and to be my accountability. He provided a phenomenal place for me and a beautiful family of believers to walk through this life with. ... 

Even more important, He has done for all of us through His sweet Son. 

I want to encourage you, if you aren't involved with a church or a bible study, go on a search and seek it out. He will guide you to where you need to be. His sweet hand will guide your journey. Start studying about "this Jesus guy," He doesn't disappoint. I dare say, your study of Jesus will likely debunk all these awful ideals you may have of Christianity if you aren't yet a Christian. When you seek Him with the entirety of your heart, you WILL find Him. 

If you're already a Christian and you're doing the church thing on Sunday's but you simply tolerate God through the rest of the week, I challenge you in this new year to find 10 minutes every day to sit in awe of your creator. Study His word. Grab a friend and go through a bible study together. Find an accountability partner if you haven't found a church that you feel comfortable in yet. I am telling you the absolute truth, that if you will be reverent in your worship and steadfast in your study of His word, it will change your life. The hurt won't hurt so bad, the loneliness fades, the bitterness becomes sweet, and all those holes in your soul will become whole. Because you are being relentlessly pursued by the One who knit you together in your mother's womb. 

Get ready to fall in love with the savior of the world, friend. It will change your life, make you whole again, and give you a home away from HOME. 


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