Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children." -Isaiah 54:13

                 First off, Happiest birthday wishes to my sweet step mama Melanie. I got to talk to her tonight as I was walking home from my run (during which I discovered that running on a stress fracture actually hurts less than walking on a stress fracture ... strangely enough.) As she described her day, it suddenly became completely apparent to me just how blessed I am to be a part of this family. In case you aren't familiar with my family history, I have five younger sisters by the ages of 21 (for a few more days), 16, 10, 8, & 8. We are all spread out over two states and I don't get to spend nearly as much time with them as I would like, so it's bitter sweet when I hear great stories like the one I'm about to share with you. My babies are all grown up and have the SWEETEST hearts. I'm so proud of them, and of they're ability to plan a STELLAR party (per 8 year old standards.)

                My little sisters were completely appalled that Melanie wasn't going to be having a birthday party. So much so that they planned a party of epic proportions. Tonight when the girls left soccer practice Cameron saved her cookies for the party that they would throw for Melanie. That was a big deal for me because my favorite part of softball practice as a kid was the snack afterwards. Come to think of it, that might still be my favorite part of working out. Once they got home, they set out the cookies and the "biggest glass of milk you've ever seen." That part was funny because Melanie doesn't even drink milk ... but that's what goes with cookies, right? Once the milk and cookies were set out, the girls invited their most treasured (stuffed) friends, "EE" & "Diggy," to the party. Their purpose was unclear because their seat at the party was the inside of a gift bag. Make no mistake, they were NOT gifts. The real gift came out of Melanie's own jewelry box. The girls got Melanie's Georgia Tech necklace and laid it out on display for her at her party. To top off this most lovely birthday party, the girls had made Melanie a home made birthday card. The entire event seemed to have made her day! As well it should. How precious?

               You see, even if you have a few little cookies and a big ol' glass of beverage that you aren't even that fond of, your company is what makes the difference. It's so easy to get so caught up in wanting these events to be overdone and overly dotted on that we forget what the real joy comes from. It isn't the place you go or the gifts you get or even the food you eat. The real gift is in the company that you keep and their absolute intent on making your day as special as possible. I thought this was the sweetest story and it truly warmed my heart. I am beyond blessed to have such amazing little siblings who have the biggest hearts and to have a dad and step mom who have taught them to be so loving and caring. They are absolute blessings and I miss them so much! 

             My entire family is chock full of amazingly strong women, precious children, & men who love the Lord and I am humbled to be a part of it. The Lord has completely blessed me with and amazing family and wonderful friends who keep me sane and feeling loved even when I feel like I don't deserve it. I'm blessed to have a wonderful mom, dad, step mom and tons of family that I love very much and who I know only want the best for me and for all my family. For this, I am so thankful.

"Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

                                                                 -Proverbs 22:6


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